Authoritative Presentation Style Great at Informative and Decision Making Presentations

Fearless Presentations show

Summary: A few weeks back, I gave an overview of the four main presentation styles. Last week, we covered the Energetic Presentation Style. The week before, we covered the Analytical Presentation Style (Technical Presentations). You’ll remember from the last two sessions that the Analytical Presenter and Energetic Presenter are polar opposites in the way that they like to present. The Energetic has high energy and tends to like to create presentations that are general and broad. The Analytical likes details and is much more sedate in his or her delivery. This week, we will cover the strengths and weaknesses of the Authoritative Presentation Style. This is the style of presenter that is more “direct” and “logical”. Just as a review, by direct, we mean that this style of presenter will often be more spontaneous and quick to act. By logical, we mean that this style will focus more on facts and data versus people’s feelings. You will find this style of presentation more frequently in certain industries such as the military, construction, manufacturing, and sales. We will cover the last style, Empathetic, next week. You will find that the Authoritative Presenter and Empathetic Presenter are also polar opposites just like the previous two presentation styles. Show notes can be found at Authoritative Presentation Style Great at Informative and Decision Making Presentations