Playing the Haarp

Thinking With Somebody Else's Head show

Summary: They've been put forward as the causes of all manner of mayhem in modern folklore and even Radio and TV shows and movies. The Shadow People that have been summoned from the beyond through black magic practices and that terrorize us while we conduct our daily lives. It's too much for our program to delve into the supernatural occurrences of the Shadow People ... but the real life men in the shadows? Let's go. Today on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head, Part I of Playing the Haarp - an investigation into one of the U.S. government's Black Budget projects that has very dire ramifications for humanity and planet Earth. The Black Budget. What is that? Michael E. Salla from the Center for Global Peace at American University in Washington, D.C., says, "The CIA has the unique legal ability among all US government departments and agencies to generate funds through appropriations of other federal government agencies and other sources 'without regard to any provisions of law' and without regard to the intent behind Congressional appropriations. Every year, billions of dollars of Congressional appropriations are diverted from their Congressionally sanctioned purposes to the CIA and Department of Defense-based intelligence agencies without knowledge of the public and with the collusion of Congressional leaders. The covert world of ‘black programs’ acts with virtual impunity, overseen and regulated by itself, funding itself through secret slush funds, and is free of the limitations that come from Congressional oversight, proper auditing procedures and public scrutiny." He goes on to say that the CIA black budget is annually in the vicinity of 1.1 trillion dollars – pretty high considering that the DoD budget for 2010 is something like 664 billion dollars. Now, these are figures - statistics - and one thing we should know about stats is that they can be used in any way you want to use them. But one thing is clear - there are gobs of dollars floating around that appear to be outside any Congressional oversight. And that should make us pause. Because that money is being used by men and women in the shadows to do all sorts of stuff - and I don't have much confidence that these enormous sums are in the hands of people with good intentions or even competence. If the disaster of BP's Gulf of Mexico oil spill is anything to go by, any illusions of corporate or government competence should be dashed forever. Brazilian psychoanalyst and social scientist, Norberto Keppe, has written about this extensively over the past 50 years, and today more than ever we'd be wise to take heed of what he says. But let me warn you ... what he says is not for the faint of heart. Let me also stress, however, that Keppe follows scientific principles in his analysis. He's the world's foremost expert on the human psyche, his conclusions arrived at after 50 years of research and clinicial experience. He has seen the attitutes he describes in his over 30 books in action. In his 17th book, Liberation of the People, written prophetically 24 years ago, Keppe provides an incisive analysis of the pathology of power. This book tells it like it is. Listen: "Generally speaking, the adminstrators of power must be endowed with consdierable aggressiveness and above all must be Machiavellian, people who go to any extreme to make greater and greater profit. Peole with no compassion whatsoever. This is the mentality of those who lead the world." Is it possible to have peace on Earth with such aggression? Keppe's inevitable conclusions whos us the inverted psyche we all have, and how those in powere have more serious imbalance and sickness. So his book is a must read for any who are still laboring under the impression that those in power have good intentions for we the people. They don't, and they keep many of their projects and processes in the shadows. Keppe's book is available to all. if you're interested in how to get a copy. Keppe's had to publish independent