Look Both Ways | Courage | Day Twelve | ft. Luke Carey

Bearded Virtues show

Summary: <p>Today's Action Step: Are you brash, rather than prudent, when practicing fortitude? What are the small ways in which you're called to be courageous?</p> <p>Find Luke Carey at the [Catching Foxes Podcast](catchingfoxes.fm).</p> <p>If you haven't signed up for the Nazarite Challenge yet head over to <a href="http://nazaritechallenge.com" rel="nofollow">NazariteChallenge.com</a> to make sure you stay up to day and get included in the Mass that the Friars are saying for our participants.</p> <p>Also please take a moment to Rate and Review us on iTunes. This is the number one way to help other people discover the amazing journey we are going on over the next month. </p> <p>You can talk about this episode in our Facebook Group <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/nazaritechallenge/" rel="nofollow">HERE</a>.</p> <p>Also please take a moment to check out our sponsors.</p> <p><a href="https://catholicbalm.co/" rel="nofollow">Catholic Balm Co</a><br> <a href="https://pinksaltriot.com/" rel="nofollow">Pink Salt Riot</a><br> <a href="https://ecatholic.com/" rel="nofollow">eCatholic</a><br> <a href="https://www.becomefire.faith/" rel="nofollow">Franciscian Friars of the Holy Spirit</a></p> <p>Also check out <a href="https://www.thresholdpodcast.fm/" rel="nofollow">The Threshold Podcast</a> by Tony Vasinda.</p>