Entrepreneur and advocate Heidi McKenzie makes her mark with humor and a loud voice.

No Barriers show

Summary: Jeff, Erik, and Dave speak with Heidi McKenzie, a young woman from Kentucky who was pursuing her dreams of a fashion career until a car accident left her a T4 paraplegic at age 21. Our team met Heidi when she was selected for a Reach Award and attended the 2017 No Barriers Summit. She was chosen based on her many accomplishments that were not despite her disability but because of it and the difference she strives to make in her own community. An entrepreneur, Heidi started Alter UR Ego, a clothing line for people in wheelchairs that includes clothes that are as fashionable as they are adaptable. Heidi is also an outspoken advocate for accessibility, serving on various boards and working for community organizations. She was also crowned Ms. Wheelchair Kentucky in 2012! Listen to Heidi describe her journey and the positive attitude she employs to approach the barriers in her life.