#40: What You DIDN'T KNOW about Your Thyroid Health, Thyroid VS Adrenal Health, Constipation Questions w/ Dr. Nikolas Hedberg !

Waist Away: The Intermittent Fasting Podcast show

Summary:   HEY GUYS! In this week's podcast, we talk to Dr. Hedberg is the author of “The Complete Thyroid Health and Diet Guide” and the host of one of my favorite podcasts, “The Dr Hedberg Show”. I have been counting down the days until this interview because I am such a fan of his and it is a huge honor to get to speak to him. We received an OVERWHELMING number of questions for Dr. Hedberg so let's jump right in!!  Video VERSION: https://youtu.be/RnKtn3J0B08 Podcast: https://drhedberg.com/podcasts/ Book: https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Thyroid-Health-Diet-Guide/dp/0778805042/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1532621524&sr=8-1&keywords=The+Complete+Thyroid+Health+and+Diet+Guide&dpID=51Hb06d2EqL&preST=_SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch Q1 – 3:29  When I am eating super clean, my thyroid seems to function at a more optimal level. Do you think that there are certain foods that I should avoid, and certain foods I should try to eat a lot of when I am trying to regulate my thyroid? Q2 – 7:29  I got my bloodwork done, and my fasting blood sugar was at 108- is this something I should be concerned with? What is the recommended range for my blood sugar levels when I am fasting? Q3 – 8:32  I have rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis, definitely have autoimmune issues! Are there any supplements you recommend to help with these? I feel like I am taking so many different supplements and I wonder if they are helping me, or are damaging my liver? I am currently taking: a probiotic, selenium, zinc, multivitamins, vitamin D, calcium, vitamin c, vitamin E, and vitamin A. Is this too much? Q4 - 13:22 I really enjoyed your last podcast about Adrenal Fatigue- I still don’t totally understand how the thyroid and adrenal glands are related- are they even related at all? How do I know for sure if I have adrenal fatigue? Q5 – 15:13  I was watching YOUTUBE and there was a video that said one of the reasons you could be constipated is because you don’t have enough bile in your system. Can you explain how this works? What could I do to fix it? Q6 – 17:57 I know that several guests on your podcast have talked about how a huge portion of your immune system resides in your gut, and it is so important to make sure my gut is functioning at a high capacity. Do you think that your gut and thyroid have a huge connection? I struggle with thyroid issues, and major constipation, and am trying to figure out how to heal my gut. Q7 - 21:42 I’ve been reading a lot of articles about leaky gut syndrome, and I have some issues with my thyroid and some skin issues like eczema and dermatitis. I’ve been reading a lot about candida and leaky gut and am trying to figure out which one I have. What do you think is the best solution for it? Q8 – 23:53 I have recently been reading a lot of articles on Candida and I definitely have all of the symptoms of candida. I know that I eat WAYY too much sugar. The problem is that when you have candida, it's ALL I CRAVE! In your book, you talk about how I shouldn’t deprive myself. So my issue is that I deprive myself of sugar because of my candida, and then I miss it so much and then I binge! How can I find the happy medium? Q9 – 25:08 I have listened to a couple of your podcasts with your experts and doctors and hear them talk about the conversion of T4, T3 – reverse T3- I still don’t understand it. Can you have someone come on your show and explain this in a very simple, non-technical way, so I can understand the differences in T4, T3, Reverse T3 and TSH, and what I should be looking for?   Q10 – 28:26 I have read some very conflicting articles about IODINE for thyroid hormone production. Some articles say if your thyroid isn’t functioning you should take more iodine- and other articles say Iodine will make your thyroid worse! So much contradicting information in what I read on Google- I am really hoping one of the doctors can answer for me! Q11 – 31:08 I went to a traditional Doctor and they told me that my TSH levels should be between .5 and 5. My thyroid was at a 4.5 when I took my test and I am absolutely exhausted. I talked to one of my friends and she told me that she feels the best when her thyroid is at 1 or below. That is when she feels like a million bucks and has tons of energy. I know that for me, a 4.5 makes me exhausted. Q12 – 33:02  I was listening to your podcast with Elle and she said that she does NOT like Synthroid, and prefers Nature Throid since it is natural. My Primary Care Physician would not prescribe me Nature Throid because she said most of the doctors give Synthroid instead. She really encouraged me to take Synthroid and not Nature Thyroid. Why do you think that is? Q13 – 35:16  Can you explain the difference between Armor Throid and Nature Thyroid? In your podcast with Elle, she recommended Nature Thyroid, but when I googled it, I read that both medicines contain 38 mcg of t4 and 9 mcg of t3- so how can they be that different? She never said why Nature Thyroid was better. Q14 – 36:33 I read a book by Aviva Romm MD, called “The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution”, and she said that 95% of Americans have been affected by Epstein Barr Virus, which is in the same family as herpes. She says that the EBV is a huge reason why you can get chronic fatigue, chronic aches and pains, and even Hashimotos. I am extremely tired, my muscles ache, sometimes so much that I can’t function. My Dr. has told me that I don’t have the Epstein Barr Virus right now, but it shows in my system that I have had it at one point. Can you expand on EBV and how it is healed? Q15 - 39:03 After listening to your podcast, I went to CVS and purchases several Blood Glucose Monitors, I wanted to have one in my purse, one in my office, and one at home, and to try a couple different brands. I got home and wanted to test them out, and I was surprised that I had different readings from each monitor. I took my blood four times, all within 20 seconds of each other, on different fingers. And these were the readings I received: 110, 82, 90, and 98. Is this as simple as a variation in the different brands? And if so, how do I know which reading was accurate? There is a big difference in a 82 and a 110! Did I do something wrong?   --------------------------------------- To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay     Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/  Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay