SF 011 - Paul Loren, Lifestyle Expert/Musician

Secret Famous show

Summary: Paul Loren is a life expert: not only a timeless talent for his fronting, singing, songwriting, producing and entertaining, but also a well-read, interested, and interesting multi-dimensional human with great depth of character who knows what he loves. The legend of his talents are all true. You’ve seen him on Instagram listening to classic records and pouring espressos: this is also who he is IRL. Paul embodies the spirit of the late 50s and early 60s in a genuine way. Ever the host, we hung on the 21st floor balcony with a Queens view of all of metropolitan New York over espresso and biscotti, which then turned into a Negroni (natch) and an antipasti plate. I'm confident that this is a real Secret Famous podcast, as Paul will become an Oprah or Jimmy Buffet-level brand. Hell, I spent an hour with him, left, and immediately went to get some Campari, sweet Vermouth, and local gin so I could continue the party...