EP 42 Some Titus 2 Encouragement Along the Way

Thankful Homemaker: A Christian Homemaking Podcast show

Summary: As we start getting back into fall and a routine (as we talked about last week at the podcast), I wanted to share a bit of encouragement for all of us today. Who doesn't like to be encouraged? Our time today is just a reminder that no one out there has it all together. We are a continual work in progress in the Lord's hand. If I shared only what I had mastered on this podcast, it would be non-existent ;). So today listen in and be reminded that no one has a perfect marriage, family or home while living on this fallen earth but that doesn't mean we just throw in the towel and stop trying. I'm reminded and reminding us today of God's Word to persevere and work heartily as unto the Lord, and this includes my normal day to day life of caring for a home and family. In the spirit of Titus 2, I want to be an encouragement in the areas of loving our husbands and children, being keepers of our homes, being self-controlled and submissive to our husbands so God's Word will not be reviled. We need to share our struggles but not leave each other there. But we need to spur one another on to love and good deeds. My hope always is to point one another back to Christ and to live by and abide in His Word. My greatest comfort in this world is that Jesus Christ is enough.  He is enough on the days when everything goes wrong and on the days when it seems that everything is falling apart.  Come listen in with us today. For the full show notes head to ThankfulHomemaker.com  Follow Thankful Homemaker on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest Subscribe to the Podcast  Scripture & Resources: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Homemaking 101 Series: Getting Dressed Are You Kind to Your Husband? What's for Dinner? Weekly Home Blessing 18 Ways to Be Your Husband's Helper Busyness is Not Godliness Podcast Ep 32: Preparing Our Families for Sunday Morning Worship Battling Our Sins of Envy & Jealousy Podcast Ep 28: Dealing with Our Anxiousness and Worry (Matthew 6:25-34) How to Resist Gossip Homemaking Ministries Online Conference - The Deep Dive Summit Thankful Homemaker Facebook Group