E15 – Study Tips – How to pass AWS Certification Exams with Phil (our Assessment Architect)

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Summary: So you’ve decided to get AWS Certified… what’s your plan to get there? Studying for the exams is not easy, and it will require a ton of work. And let’s face it, studying usually isn’t fun. Often, people focus too much on the rewards of earning their certification and not enough on the process of getting there. The AWS Certification exams are tough – even at the Associate level – and if you go in unprepared, there’s a good chance you won’t do as well as you’d like to. Everyone learns differently. No study plan exists that will work for everyone in every situation. What works for you might not work for someone else, and vice versa – however, there are a few basic guidelines that will help you develop your own plan. We’ve put together this list of 5 study tips to help you learn effectively and increase your odds of passing. Read More: https://www.cloudassessments.com/blog... ------------------------------- Here are links to some of the tools mentioned in the video: Linux Academy: https://linuxacademy.com/ Cloud Assessments: https://cloudassessments.com Linux Academy Community: https://linuxacademy.com/community Slack Channel (chat): https://linuxacademy-community-slack.... AWS News Blog: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/ AWS Startup Blog: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/startups/ ------------------------------- Try Linux Academy FREE for seven days: https://linuxacademy.com/join/pricing Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/linuxacademyCOM Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/linuxacademyCOM Connect with us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/3761... Read our blog: https://linuxacademy.com/blog