AFP12 - Anti-Federalist Papers - Part 12

mediamode presents show

Summary: Ecclesiastes 1:9 - There is nothing new under the Sun. Censorship today…Censorship then. Our Framers were all too eager to lie to their citizenry. The Founders, inspired by avarice, stooped to the level of wielding Franklin’s creation, the Postal Services, to intercept and conceal research and communications skeptical of the new plan. News outlets conveying and/or endorsing the views of the Anti Federalists were discredited and defunded through dirty tactics and slander. Centinel, in hard-hitting letter No. 12, unmasks the deceptive Publius (Alexander Hamilton) as a tool of the designing. Centinel unveils the insidious methods of those we deify and lionize today. Read by Eric the Blacksmith. Find previous episodes and other series under the Pages section to the right. Listen below or download it here. AFP12 - Anti-Federalist Papers - Part 12