Buenos Dias Benidorm

Don Woods show

Summary: .I had to laugh at a news item from Bolton....they were asking people in the street how they felt about Brexit....they virtually all said they had completely lost interest and couldn't care less anymore ....which just about sums it all up....I can't believe idiots like Ambrose Mogg,Boris Johnson,Corbyn etc etc are actually running the country....and when they appear on the news and you switch channels there they are again....you can't escape....what has always amazed me is how these buffoons get there in the first place....but then when you see 700,000 (allegedly) people marching through the streets because the democratic vote didn't go their way I suppose that explains it all.....and it's obviously all about money and greed.........................we have just had the "Children In Need" fundraising on TV......they have raised one billion pounds over the years......which is what Alan Sugar is worth....with all the billionaires and millionaires in this country.....not to mention the royalty....why do we have children in need?? ...There has been quite a bit of publicity about youngsters being seriously affected by bullying on the internet....which doesn't surprise me as they are never off their mobiles.....those of us who are of a certain age find this somewhat hard to comprehend....why not switch the phone off?.....they had some up and coming young pop star who was deeply upset because someone tweeted that she was rubbish.....if you take any notice of criticism in the music game you may as well pack in....you have to understand that when someone puts an insulting comment on to the internet it is their big moment...because they have nothing else going for them in their sad little lives....simple as that........if I took any notice of criticism over my music career I would now be sitting in the corner of a darkened room....but my answer was always the same....basically two words. ...On the showbiz front....the BBC are still trying to get more viewers by reporting "goings on" with he dancers and celebs....probably making it all up....however I am a fan of the programme and I have a fiver on Ashley Roberts....I must say the ladies on the programme make an old man very happy....I often wonder what how funny it would have been had Benny Hill been on it........and now we have "I'm a celebrity get me out of here"......I use the word celebrity loosely.....the fact that they are giving Harry Rednap 500 grand....he is quite entertaining but not 500 grandsworth?..... and Noel Edmunds is due to go on it.....600 grand ....says it all.....I have watched the first few editions and I must admit i quite enjoy it....and Holly Willoughby is a pleasant change from Ant McPartlin....however we are still stuck with Dec.....he's a celebrity ...they should get HIM out of there. ...I recently watched a programme featuring an audience with Billy Connelly from about 40 years ago....I must say he was very funny back then....I do like observational comedy...and it took me back to my playing days and when we were booked to play at weddings...which were all EXACTLY the same....the setting up the gear with ids sliding up and down the dance floor....grandma who never goes out sitting at a table with her coat on.....the bloke in the middle of the dance floor trying to get everyone up which doesn't happen until the booze kicks in....when they all get up and dance (for the first time in 20 odd years).....the night being rounded off by Uncle Harry who is standing at a table singing Blue Spanish Eyes (consisting of one note all the way through) with his admirers loving every second.....and he always goes down better than the band who have just done 4 hours.....oh the joy of showbiz....and do I miss it?........NO. ...The song this week is about a place you might have heard of.....Benidorm....ring any bells?......it was written from memory as I haven't been to Spain for a long time....in fact I spend my spare time in beautiful places like the Lakes and Snowdonia....where you can feed your soul with the scenery....so I leave the delays and the hustle and bustle of airports to others.......Buenos Dias Benidorm.