Black Friday has a British translation: Laid back

Marketplace All-in-One show

Summary: <p>From the BBC World Service … Samsung has formally apologized to employees who developed cancer and other serious diseases after working at one of the South Korean electronics giant’s semiconductor factories. The company said employees can apply for compensation, but some families say these actions aren’t enough. Afterwards, the turkey’s been carved and the leftovers are safely stowed away. Now it’s time to shop … at least that’s the case for U.S. consumers. But how does the biggest shopping day of the year translate in the U.K.? Let’s just say, things are a little bit more tame. We take you to one of the busiest shopping streets to find out why. <span>Today's show is sponsored by </span><a href="" target="_blank">Indeed</a><span> and </span><a href="" target="_blank">Forex</a><span>. </span></p>