Creating an Atmosphere to Share the Gospel | An Interview with Manoel Bezerra

Leading Saints Podcast show

Summary: As Elder Dallin H. Oaks referenced in his <a href="" target="_blank">2016 October General Conference</a>, Manoel Bezerra is a Brazilian cab driver who makes a habit of handing out copies of the Book of Mormon; especially when the Rio Summer Olympics were in town. He is passionate about missionary work because he remembers fondly his own conversion to the LDS Church in New York after honest prayer and meeting the missionaries. He now serves as a member of his stake’s high council.<br> <a href=";nid=148" target="_blank">Ashley Kewish of KSL News put a spot light on him</a> when she was in Brazil for the Olympics. She was originally planning on interviewing an Area 70 of the Church, but when she found her cab driver to be LDS and a strong missionary, she knew she had a story to bring back to Utah.<br> Manoel always heard of people who had never heard of the Savior and after a brief car ride with a Chinese individual, he was determined to carry around copies of the Book of Mormon in every language possible so he could be ready. He put his card inside of every book so that anyone who receives it has a way to contact him with additional questions. He strives to let the spirit be his guide as he brings up the gospel with clients who ride in his cab and in his everyday life.<br> Manoel has had many experiences sharing the gospel as a cab driver. He’s always looking for a moment where he can bring up the gospel and share his testimony. Manoel has helped his family join the church. He’s held many callings that have strengthened his desire to serve and find the joy in each calling. He recognizes that he’s on the Lord’s errand to share the message of the gospel and he’s been blessed with the opportunity to share with so many different individuals.<br> <br> Interview Transcription<br> The following is a rough transcript of the interview. Please excuse the many grammar mistakes or misspelled words. It is our intention to make the transcript available as soon as possible rather than perfect.<br> Kurt Francom (LS): Today we are headed down south to the beuatiful land of Brazil to Copa Cabana Beach just outside Rio De Jenero to talk to Manoel Bazerra. How are you, Manoel?<br> Manoel: I'm doing very well, sir! I'm doing well, Kurt.<br> LLLD: We are recording this at the beginning of September of 2016 so how is the weather down there in Rio De?<br> Manoel: It's cloudy, it's drizzling. You know it is not one of those gorgeous buatufil days. As I'm a cab driver, raining is a wonderful day because people have need for the cab.<br> LLLD: So you pray for rain as everyone else prays for sunshine?<br> Manoel: Well, I just let it come. When it comes I appreciate it.<br> LLLD: I bet! That's fantastic! The original way I got in contact with you, I saw a story on KSL here in Utah and I am sure there were other news outlets that carried this story of you being a cab driver during the Olympics that just ended there a few weeks ago and sharing the gospel through sharing copies of the Book of Mormon. It was a wonderful experience. How was the experience of having the Olympics there?<br> 5:06<br> Manoel: Oh it was fantastic, Kurt. It was really amazing seeing the whole world was here. So many people; different people, you know, they are all very excited and having fun and having a good time. We showed them a lot of hospitality and good manners, it was amazing! I really appreciated it.<br> 5:44<br> LLLD: Was it quite busy for you then as a cab driver? Is that the busiest you have been in a while?<br> Manoel: It was very nice, it was very busy and especially because of my cab it is written "English Spoken" so people really reach and want, "Hey, come over!"<br> 6:06<br> LLLD: They like to have the cab driver understand them?<br> Manoel: They prefer, yeah,