Connecting With Youth | How I Lead as Young Women President

Leading Saints Podcast show

Summary: Angie Young is a mother of 3 young girls and serves as a Young Women President, just outside of Ogden in Clinton, Utah. She was married in the Salt Lake Temple to her husband that she met online.  When asked what makes her a unique Mormon, she says, "Her time away from the church in her early youth, gives her a unique perspective on the gospel.”  She currently works from home in addition to being a mom, and has makeup line called, “<a href="" target="_blank">Younique</a>.”<br> <br> 5 Key Leadership Principles<br> <br> <br> * You gotta have love (11:25)<br> <br> * Overcomes  the challenge of having a large group of children<br> <br> <br> * Know their story (11:55)<br> <br> * When you know about them it’s easier to love them and apply them to the program.<br> * Love them through their challenges<br> * 13:15 use social media to contact them<br> <br> * Anytime you know of something to encourage or support them<br> <br> <br> * 14:16 Be with them, be true and connected with them in the minute.<br> <br> <br> * Getting to know you activity (15:08)<br> <br> * Write numbers on a beach ball then play music.  When the music stops, which ever number your right thumb is closest to it corresponds with a question.  The girl with the ball answers the question along with anyone else who would like to.  Quirky questions are the best.  An example is, “If your life was a book, what would the title be?”<br> * Making Fudge in ziplock bags.<br> <br> <br> * Do as I do (17:33)<br> <br> * Never ask the girls to do something you won’t do yourself.  An example of this is a service project at girls camp.<br> * “In the middle, hands on leader.”<br> * 18:48 Bubblegum pink cowboy outfit<br> <br> <br> * Feelings (20:40)<br> <br> * "It doesn’t matter if the girls like me or if they don’t, it only matters how they feel around me.”<br> * My goals it to have them feel the spirit, to feel important, and to feel like they matter. (21:40)<br> <br> <br> * It takes a village (22:25)<br> <br> * As a leadership team, together we have everything we need.<br> * Recognize unique talents in each other.<br> * Presidency meets every other week and once a month with the class advisers and personal progress specialist<br> * Meet at around the circle table to talk.<br> <br> <br> * Working with the Bishop (28:55)<br> <br> * They have always had her back and trusts her.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br> A big thanks to Buster Summerhays for writing up this summary.