How I Lead as Young Women President | An Interview With Kimber Uluave

Leading Saints Podcast show

Summary: Kimber Uluave is a three-time Young Women president (different stakes) who resides in Washington, Utah, near St. George. Born and raised in Cedar City, Utah, she met her husband-to-be, Kivalu , while they were students at Southern Utah University. A Provo native, Kivalu  played football for SUU. The two coincidentally met again while at the MTC. Kimber served in the California San Jose Mission, while Kivalu  served in the Japan Tokyo South Mission. Following their respective missions they reconnected, courted, married and now have three children. Kimber has also served as a gospel doctrine teacher and in a relief society presidency.<br> <br> 8:00 Feelings of inadequacy in leading 42, mostly active young women; different wards—different dynamics; developing deep and profound relationships; listen to spiritual promptings and seek to avoid regrets about your service. <br> <br> 15:00 “I am called of God; my authority is above that of the kings of the earth.” Lord will magnify us if we rise to the occasion. Be courageous; testify; allow your children to see your example of faithful service.<br> <br> 19:30 Helping young women move past tension and competition can restore the spirit of the overall group. Asking an inspired, bold question led to forgiveness and reconciliation. Either allow the Lord to magnify the positives or deal with having the adversary magnify the negatives. Don’t lead by shaming. Getting past the cliché of “just love them.” Inviting people to take action. A relationship based on trust and love makes it easier to extend bold invitation to improve. Contagious love.<br> 5 Key Leadership Principles<br> <br> * 29:15 Ministering: We’ve been given the mantle and responsibility and the tools to know what the YW need. Getting to know them on their “turf.” Is the use of social media a help or a hindrance in dealing with young women?<br> * 32:02 See and love the youth as the Savior does: We stand in His place and He wants them to be taught leadership and motherhood skills. Being the Lord’s instrument and mouthpiece. Approaching those who are resistant.<br> * 33:53 Know the mantle of the calling: Inspiration is available. The Lord fills in the gaps. The “law of compensation.” Witnessing miracles. <br> * 36:41 Seek revelation and be in tune to the promptings of the Holy Ghost: Many need us and are on their needs asking for help. Be in tune to know what God wants you to do to respond to their prayers.<br> * 39:31 Magnify the Lord’s love in all our efforts: He will magnify you in your calling and that magnifying component can last long after your official efforts/calling have ended.<br> <br> * 41:50 Let the girls be leaders and offer ideas that will change their lives: Excellent example of young women, with the relief society’s assistance, deepening relationships and fulfilling a Personal Progress requirement through a group quilting project. <br> <br> <br> <br> Concluding Thought on Discipleship<br> <br> 43:36 How has being a leader helped you to be a better follower and disciple of Jesus Christ? Kimber’s response: In this life we can represent our Savior and say the things He would say and do if He were here. I have seen my joy magnified in every aspect of my life. The joy in our home luminates because of service. It is a gift to have the privilege and ability to serve.