Episode 12: A Hay Baler? Really?

Clothed In The Lamb show

Summary: Show notes Thank you for downloading Episode 12 of Clothed In The Lamb. Thanks to Knitmaniac for her 5-star iTunes review! And welcome to all our new listeners! Events: The Estes Park Wool Market will be held June 9-12 in Estes Park Colorado. June 11th happens to be Worldwide Knit in Public Day. If you will be in Estes Park and are interested in meeting up with me to knit in public sometime that day, please respond to the Knit in Public thread in our Clothed In The Lamb group forum at Ravelry.com. The Unraveling Ravelry class I taught at The Recycled Lamb was a big hit. If you are interested in the possibility of taking this class online, please e-mail me at mailto:podcast@clothedinthelamb.com.  I will be teaching beginning knitting at The Recycled Lamb for 6 weeks from May 25, 2011, at 6-8pm. I will be teaching beginning spindling in the near future. Yarnin': I made a little gift for my cousin who is a crocheter and is in the hospital recovering from surgery. The flowers are knitted from the Rose of Sharing pattern by Mary Jo Colwell. Here's a picture of it. My Norwegian Rose Socks are still with the surrogate sock knitter. I'm still working on the Swallowtail Shawl in Alpaca with a Twist Fino in the Twilight colorway. Thank God for lifelines! I'm looking forward to casting on the Daybreak Shawl soon. A Contest: The winner of the skein of yarn from Creature Comforts Craftworks, as chosen by random number generator is Aizome! Congratulations! This episode's sponsor is Marti Browne of LaTeaDaDesigns. She has generously provided 2 drawing prizes! Enter to win this lovely 200-yard skein of hand-dyed merino silk blend yarn in shades of salmon by posting a reply in the Episode 12 thread in our Clothed In The Lamb group forum at Ravelry.com.   Additionally, you may enter to win this gorgeous hand-made drop spindle with teal and white roving with complete Instructions on How to Spin with a Drop Spindle. Just leave a comment below under these show notes for a chance to win.  Winners for both prizes will be selected by random number generator on June 2, 2011. So be sure to enter by June 1.  And please be sure to check out Marti’s LaTeaDaDesigns shop on Etsy. How'd Ya Do That?: How I'm using a part from a hay baler in knitting the Swallowtail Shawl. Mandarin Minute: This episode's words are bu meaning "no" and dui meaning "correct, yes". Lovely: I'm falling in love with my hubby all over again. Prayer Shawl: I share some answers to our prayers, including a lovely letter from Elise of the Knit Misadventures podcast, and we pray again for her grandma and family. We pray for SabraB, a listener who recently learned she has breast cancer that will require mastectomy and chemo therapy. We also pray for my cousin who is in the hospital recovering from surgery. If you would like prayer for yourself or someone you know, you may post your request on the Prayer Shawl thread of the Clothed In The Lamb group forum at Ravelry.com. Optionally, you may e-mail your request directly to me at podcast@clothedinthelamb.com. Share as much or as little as you wish, and I look forward to praying for you. If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a comment below. Remember, you can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, and while you're there, please leave a 5-star review. That will make it easier for others to find the show. Feel free to join our Clothed In The Lamb podcast listeners group on Ravelry.com, where I'm known as ClothedInTheLamb.  And while you're there, send me a friend request! You'll find me on twitter as ClothedInLamb. Theme music is "Hope" by Al Stravinsky of the Podsafe Music Network. Please join me again on June 5, 2011, for Episode 13 of Clothed In The Lamb.