Episode #4 Helping People Get Technology Career, Learn to Code and Get a Job

Tech Money Talks, Careers & Dropshipping w/ Pro Dropshipper Brian McCumber, like Russell Brunson, Pat Flynn, GaryVee, Leo Laporte, Lewis Howes, Tim Ferriss, Eric Thomas, Neil Patel, John Sonmez, Scott Hilse, Tai Lopez show

Summary: Unedited audio from the Live Stream of the Rise and Grind on Instagram Live. This episode is about helping people get a Technology Career. It's no secret that the #1 reason most people learn to code is so they can make money doing. Whoever says otherwise, please come work for me for FREE! I've helped a lot of people learn how to code in the past. Now a days, there is no lack of learn to code resources. The biggest hurdle today is helping the new techies get their first real high paying job. That's my focus now. To help people get their foot in the door to a real High Paying Technology Career. Please like and share if you agree.