30: What's on my 2018 Mac, with Kelly Thompson

The Stalman Podcast show

Summary: <p>I am a little bit addicted to apps. Finding new apps, reading app reviews, trying demos, I just can't stop optimizing the apps on my Mac. I brought my good friend Kelly Thompson on to talk about all of our most indispensable apps, from utilities to media production. Also plenty of tips and tricks to optimize your desktop and have it working just the way you like. </p> <p>If you are into photography, video production, web or print design, there will be something here that you need. And I missed you're favourite app, come find me on <a href="https://twitter.com/stalman" rel="nofollow">Twitter @stalman </a>and tell me all about it.</p> <p><strong>Production</strong> <br> Lightroom<br> Photoshop<br> Sketch<br> Audition<br> iZotope RX6<br> After Effects <br> Premiere<br> Davinci Resolve<br> Final Cut Pro X<br> Plural Eyes<br> Audio Hijack<br> ScreenFlow </p> <p>[<strong>SetApp</strong>](sttp.co/stalman)<br> Bartender<br> iStat<br> Screens<br> ChronoSync<br> CleanMyMac<br> TripMode</p> <p><strong>Utilities</strong> <br> Dropbox<br> 1Password<br> VLC<br> Daisy disk<br> Steam<br> Slack<br> Fantastical</p> <p><strong>Kelly's apps</strong><br> Web flow<br> Affinity <br> Alfred<br> Control Plane<br> Coconut battery<br> CalcService<br> WordService<br> Agenda</p><p>Special Guest: Kelly Thompson.</p><p>Sponsored By:</p><ul><li> <a rel="nofollow" href="http://stpp.co/stalman">Setapp</a>: <a rel="nofollow" href="http://stpp.co/stalman">An app for every job, already on your Mac.</a> </li></ul>