Midterm Elections, Jim Acosta Banned…

Idiots Podcast show

Summary: <br> The Idiots Podcast is moving up. We have a new setup in the ConEquip studio and hope to improve the quality of the show for our listener(s).<br> <br><br> Kevin and Joe now have something in common. If you book a ride through Uber, you might just end up with one of them. Don’t worry, you won’t get Steve. He tried signing up and somehow ended up on Uber Eats delivering a meal.<br> <a style="font-size: 1.15em; color: #cf4330; cursor: pointer;" href="https://www.foxnews.com/world/dutch-businessman-69-seeks-to-legally-identify-as-20-years-younger"></a><br><br> <a style="font-size: 1.15em;" href="https://www.foxnews.com/world/dutch-businessman-69-seeks-to-legally-identify-as-20-years-younger">A Dutch businessman wants to self-identify as a younger Dutch businessman</a><br> <br><br> <a href="https://www.apnews.com/afd73fee87e5442ca72b7179c593089e">DEAD PIMP WINS!</a><br> With the top headline on election night, Dennis Hof easily won a seat in the Nevada state assembly.<br> <br><br> <a href="https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/07/politics/duncan-hunter-chris-collins-bob-menendez/index.html">Chris Collins and Duncan Hunter Win! Both under indictment and they won!</a><br><br> In fact, they would be allowed to govern from prison if they are convicted. Committee meetings might be a little tough.<br> <br><br> Sounds like Steve, Kevin and Joe are going to start a movement to show pride in failing to vote. I think that the “I Didn’t Vote” sticker above is appropriate.<br> <br><br> “Cautiously” Racist Doctor?<br> Doctor refuses to treat patient who didn’t speak English. Dr. Paul Ryan of San Bernardino, California told his patient that if she lives in this country, she needs to learn English.<br><br> <a href="https://www.circa.com/story/2018/11/06/whoa/doctor-in-california-accused-of-not-treating-a-patient-because-she-didnt-speak-english">https://www.circa.com/story/2018/11/06/whoa/doctor-in-california-accused-of-not-treating-a-patient-because-she-didnt-speak-english</a><br> Caravan video – where are the women and children? Decide for yourself.<br><br> <br> Jim Acosta Banned From the White House<br> Watch the video for yourself. Should he have been banned? The White House press office shared an altered video of the event.<br><br> <br> We had a round of movie line trivia to close out the show. Can you guess the movie?<br>