126: Podcast #126: Neil Tennant’s lyrics, Bobby Gillespie vs Andrew Neil, Robyn, Julia Davis’s Sally4Ever

Bigmouth show

Summary: This week we get all textual with **NEIL TENNANT**’S new book ‘100 Lyrics and a Poem’ – is he the pop TS Eliot or the Rave Larkin? – and gaze aghast at Julia Davis’s utterly filthy new comedy ‘**SALLY4EVER**’ in which a self-freeing and self-actualising lesbian affair turns into a disaster all round. Plus **ROBYN**’s new record of heartbreak on the dancefloor, Bobby Gillespie takes on The Man by refusing to dance with Michael Portillo on the BBC’s ‘This Week’… and much more. **ANDY MILLER** of the brilliant books podcast [Backlisted](https://www.backlisted.fm/) is our extra special guest for the week. Support BIGMOUTH and get a little extra from the podcast every week – [buy us a pint](http://www.patreon.com/BigmouthPodcast) via the crowdfunding platform Patreon. Produced and presented by Andrew Harrison and Siân Pattenden. Studio production by Sophie Black. **Bigmouth is a Podmasters production. **