5LQ Episode 249: What is Recruiting? –

5 Leadership Questions Podcast on Church Leadership with Todd Adkins and Dan Iten show

Summary: In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Eric Geiger, Todd Adkins, and Daniel Im begin a series of discussions on recruiting volunteers. During their conversation, they discuss the following questions:<br> <br> * Why do so many churches feel like they never have enough leaders?<br> * What do we mean by recruiting?<br> * Why is recruiting important to leadership development?<br> * What are some common mistakes to recruiting?<br> * Whose job is it to recruit volunteers?<br> <br> BEST QUOTES<br> “How do you grab people who haven’t bought into the vision of the local church to the extent that they are going to volunteer and give time to this grand mission?”<br> <br> “Whatever your culture currently is, you are basically training your church to be that. If you are always looking for leaders, if you always have a dumpster fire every Saturday, it’s going to be really hard to break out of that until you can shift that mindset and that culture. Especially if you’ve chosen to buy leaders instead of build them.”<br> <br> “There is a theological issue, that in some churches there has been an unhealthy view of the church over the years that if we want something done, we pay people to do it.”<br> <br> “You are doing too much. Everything you do as a church has an opportunity cost. Everything you do may have been good at one time, but if it doesn’t align with the mission, and if it doesn’t align with your vision, and your strategy, then you need to cut it out.”<br> <br> “Recruiting is inviting people to join a great mission. Not just to do a job.”<br> <br> “You cannot experience spiritual maturity apart from using your gifts in service to Christ.”<br> <br> “Recruiting is important to leadership development, because recruitment is not just about finding warm bodies. It’s not just about filling the position. You have to recruit them toward the vision of the ministry, but then you have to develop them.”<br> <br> “If you recruit them, and it’s not just about a warm body, but you’re continuing to develop and equip them and develop them in their competencies then they are going to continue to grow with you.”<br> <br> “Recruitment paints a big picture that there’s a mission, and if a mission is big enough it’s going to require development.”<br> <br> “Who I am recruiting says a lot about my ministry and says a lot about who is going to be connected to my ministry down the road.”<br> <br> “The leaders that you initially bring on board will have a direct effect on who comes down the road.”<br> <br> “Church planters that mentored leaders of other new churches had higher average worship attendance.”<br> <br> “Church plants who had a leadership development plan saw more people make decisions for Christ.”<br> <br> “Move from learner to leader to multiplier. A multiplier is somebody who is investing in someone else at that same level, bringing them in, helping them grow.”<br> <br> “You want to build a culture where recruiting happens at every level.”<br> RECOMMENDED RESOURCES<br> <a href="https://myleadershippipeline.com/5lq">Creating and Curating a Recruiting Culture e-book </a><br> <br> <a href="https://q12.gallup.com">Gallup Q12 Engagement Survey</a><br> <br> <a href="https://newchurches.com/podcasts/">New Churches podcast</a><br> <br> <a href="https://newchurches.com">Newchurches.com</a><br> <br> <a href="https://myleadershippipeline.com">Pipeline Conference</a>