Our C-Section Epidemic with Theresa Morris

Raising Primates show

Summary: Theresa Morris, PhD, sociologist and author of "Cut It Out: The C-Section Epidemic in America", and I sit down to talk about the history and implications of the C-Section epidemic in our country. We discuss: -The history of how/why the C-section rate exploded from 5 to 33% in the US in the past 40 years -How OB-GYN's current medical training has turned to a focus on surgical skills rather than knowledge of physiological birth (including variations of normal birth, such as breech and twins) -How malpractice lawsuits and the prospect of being sued plays into the prevalence of C-section rates -Ultrasounds, fetal monitoring, inductions, epidurals and other aspects of medicalized birth that can lead a birthing mom down the C-section path -The lack of informed consent in hospital births, and what pregnant women need to know about their rights and responsibilities in pregnancy and birth. -Roadblocks to women getting the support they need when attempting a VBAC (vaginal birth after Cesarean) with a second child -Practical ways pregnant women can avoid C-sections as much as possible. Check out Theresa's book here: www.amzn.com/9780814764121 and see more of her work here: https://sociology.tamu.edu/morris-theresa/ RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE to the podcast! Become a PATRON to support our efforts and receive exclusive episodes not available to the public: www.patreon.com/raisingprimates Visit us at www.raisingprimates.com