Traveling with young children

The Early Years Podcast show

Summary: The holidays are coming and its time to start thinking about traveling with your children. With some thought, planning, and preparation you can not only travel but have an enjoyable trip and family experience. In this episode we are going to help you think through how to plan your trip, manage the time, and expect the rough times. Traveling can be stressful on everybody in the family but it can be very difficult for young children who in a car seat for the trip become tried, bored, hungry, or have to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes. Part of making a trip successful is planning for all of this as well as having activities, snacks, places to stop, and knowing that children will have meltdowns, cars break down, traffic backs up, and things don’t go the way we envision. But even with all of these things that can make a trip difficult, with preparation and the right perspective, you can do it. We will help you think through the trip, stay focused, and really make it a great family experience and adventure.