Episode 292: How to Name Your Business

The Fizzle Show show

Summary: <p>I want to show you a method to get away from the gross, subjective confusion that clouds your business name decision making.</p> <p>You’ve felt that cloudiness if you’ve ever tried to name a business before.</p> <p>I was recently with a group of people trying to name their real estate company. We spent several hours talking about options, took a break, and then someone came up with another name idea and the conversation started all over again.</p> <p>No decisions being made, no progress, no clients being helped or revenue coming in… just a handful of name options and no way to decide which idea is best.</p> <p>We all get like this when it comes to naming our business. A list of several ideas, a bunch of subjective opinions and the immense pressure of deciding.</p> <p>So, we created a simple worksheet to help you. The Name Evaluation worksheet below will introduce you to 10 categories that will help you get out of the clouds and into a business name that will grow with you.</p>