TVC 015: Simplify Structure Succeed

The Mojo Maker Podcast with Nikki Fogden-Moore: For Leaders In Life | Healthy Wealthy and Wise show

Summary: TVC 015: Simplify Structure Succeed<br> Welcome to this weeks podcast where I chat to Author, Coach and presenter Shannah Kennedy on the power of focus and making daily changes to work towards your goals. I visit Shannah in her stunning Melbourne home, as we chat about the importance of de-cluttering your life, having a clear vision on who you want to be and the daily motivation to get there.<br> This podcast provides practical tips and tools on bringing goal setting into realistic time frames and a HOW TO guide on creating the life you want. Shannah’s book SIMPLIFY, STRUCTURE,  SUCCEED debuted last year and has already been picked up by Penguin Publishing as well as KikkiK stores around Australia.<br> A real representation of practising what she preaches – Shannah exudes a positive outlook and a realistic approach to creating milestone moments for overall success. I love working together with Shannah and it’s such a pleasure to bring to life our coaching elements on the podcast forum. Tune in again later in my series as Shannah and I talk specifics on how to plan your month and design your life!<br> Top 5 tips from this podcast on SIMPLIFY STRUCTURE SUCCEED:<br> 1.  VALUES &amp; VISION: Take time out to sit down and really define who it is you want to be – what are your core values, not what society defines but what really resonate with you. What are your true hopes, goals and dreams. What do you want to achieve out of your life. Grab a pen and paper and get specific. The more specific the better the chance you’ll have of reaching those objectives.<br> 2. DECLUTTER: Get rid of all the things that do not serve you, your family or your  true purpose. Go around each room in your house and start to declutter and simplify. Start with the rooms you use the most and maybe your home office or where you spend your personal creative time. Give things away to those that may need these like Vinnies, the Salvation Army or other charitable organisations. Also think about the activities, added tasks and extra appointments you make in your week. Are they really necessary? Do you need to fill every waking moment. Having a purpose is not defined by how much time we take up being busy but rather what we do with our day. Refer to your values list to help check back what/who you really need.<br> 3. STRUCTURE YOUR WEEK: So vital to achieving your goals is to actually plan in your month ahead with key areas that balance work, family, health and your creative time. Block moments out for yourself and set reminders in your phone or calendar. Do this ahead of time and make it sacred so nothing can come in the way and you know you will achieve that structure.  Get informed, get curious about areas that are important to your goals and read, listen and grow your knowledge. The more time you spend on areas that are focused towards your goal the faster you’ll get there.<br> 4. MAKE IT VISIBLE: Create a list of your affirmations and make them visible daily. Shannah uses a fluro texter on her mirror and I use post it notes that I change around deepening my focus for the week. Gather tools that will help you remain in a higher vision such as inspiration cards, props to motivate you and people who support you.<br> 5. FIND YOUR DREAM TEAM: Gravitate towards those that want you to succeed and avoid those people that constantly nag or challenge your view point. This is your journey and you need to stay true to you and stay focused.  Avoid distractions and dream stealers. Those that are genuinely excited for you to achieve success in what ever level are the ones you should be thankful for and appreciate their support.<br> Surround yourself with like minded people, sign up to blogs and communities that match your vision and values – every bit counts.<br> We’d love your feedback so please leave a comment below on if you found this useful and your tips on getting motivated to achieve your goals.