TVC063: Remarkability With Rowdy McLean

The Mojo Maker Podcast with Nikki Fogden-Moore: For Leaders In Life | Healthy Wealthy and Wise show

Summary: TVC063: Remarkability With Rowdy McLean<br> What makes individuals great, do their personal best and be their personal best?<br> It’s the focus on being remarkable.<br> I’m fortunate enough to be in a very special Mastermind group with international super star speakers, authors and coaches <a href="" target="_blank">Rowdy McLean</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Jane Anderson </a>and the fabulous <a href="" target="_blank">Keith Abraham</a>.  My dream team. <br> Keith and I have done a couple of podcasts already on living your purpose and how to kick procrastination once and for all – so I asked Rowdy on my show to talk all things Remarkability.<br> <br> <br> Remarkability is just going beyond the vanilla, the plain, the same-old same-old, the day-in day-out, the stuff that everybody else does. It doesn’t take much to be remarkable, you’ve just got to step up above the crowd and that’s pretty easy to do. Rowdy<br> <br> <br> Here’s how you can develop the mindset and skills to be Remarkable:<br> First up have the right mindset<br> The one thing we all have complete control in our day is our mindset. If you’re not back in control, you’re not off to a very good start.<br> Why do you think people get challenged with actually having a positive mindset and they quickly go into the stories of, I got stuff in traffic, my kids were sick, I feel horrible. Why do you think it’s such a struggle for people to get that remarkable mindset.<br> I think the world leverages drama much more than it leverages possibility or positivity. For some reason, the western world got caught up all in this – the more drama, the more attractive it is. So you pick up a newspaper and the first ten pages are all about drama. You hop on the nightly news and the first news items are all about bad stuff.<br> I called it “fear-mongering”. You either make decisions from fear or you make them from an opportunity perspective. When I coach people, I say “Are you making a decision because you’re afraid, or are you making a decision because you see an opportunity in it?”<br> Be Conscious<br> I think one of the best things to do is just be conscious today about what is everybody else around you doing and try and do that little bit better than them. Like you just said, opening a door for somebody, giving a lovely hello to someone. “It’s as simple as doing the stuff you wouldn’t normally do and the stuff that other people wouldn’t normally do”.<br> If you repeat that, those little tiny things time after time after time, you’re energy will change. Not only that, your perception, people’s perception of you will change.<br> Lead by example. If you want other people to display remarkable behaviour, then ask yourself every day what can I do today that makes me a great human.<br> <br> Can I listen to my staff more, can I provide more time for people to delete up and outward, can I actually listen to my kids and find out what’s going on at school?<br> <br> I think the power of being conscious and pressing pause and knowing that everything you do has a ripple-effect is probably point two, that on an every day basis you can be remarkable by just being conscious of others around you and by leading by example.<br> Sometimes we turn up at work and our mind’s on the next meeting or it’s on the trouble that’s going on at home or sometimes where you go to have a cup of coffee with a friend and they’re checking their emails. Wherever you are, just be present, right there, completely, a hundred percent. Even that’s just remarkable because people just aren’t present. Leaders aren’t present and employees are wondering what’s going on,