TVC066 How To Manage Busy

The Mojo Maker Podcast with Nikki Fogden-Moore: For Leaders In Life | Healthy Wealthy and Wise show

Summary: TVC066 How To Manage Busy<br> Today’s podcast is all about managing busy. How to run your week rather than let your week run you.  <br> There is a difference between hard work and working hard. In today’s episode I’m chatting you through some simple tools to keep yourself in charge of your day. Consistently. If you do what you love and you love what you do, you’re going to have an abundance of energy over what you normally think is possible. <br> As most of you know, especially those of you who follow me on social media, I’m rarely in one place for longer than a few days. This year has been a very big year for travel. I met lots of incredible people via my corporate vitality workshops,  speaking engagements, private Boardroom Retreats™ and private coaching with clients who inspire me right back. 2017 is already looking booked.<br> More of the above, a series of book launches from Aspen to NYC, throw in a few trips to Fiji, and it’s all happening.<br> Exhausted reading that?<br> How do I keep my energy, my passion, my vitality and my focus for what I’m doing.  It all comes down to managing busy. <br>  Schedules, times and deadlines don’t change. It’s how we handle it that matters…<br> <br> harness your energy<br> keep that focus<br> know when to have downtime<br> know how to take nano-breaks<br> manage your personal space, especially when you have a public-facing job where you’re surrounded by a lot of people or you’re transitioning from working by yourself and then suddenly your kids come home and there’s a whole lot of noise and chaos. <br> <br> <br> There’s a real art to finding that blend during busy periods when you’re building your empire or when you’re creating a life that you love. <br> <br> Here’s my top tips on Managing Busy<br> a) Go back to basics and keep it SIMPLE<br> Don’t let chaos take you off track from being productive and thoughtful and also not getting into making decisions out of fear or panic. <br> We can get pulled off direction with shiny objects and I know that I do a lot of different things. <br> b) Use your <a href="" target="_blank">90 Day Plan</a> as your compass to Manage Busy<br> I constantly have to ask myself, “Is this part of my 90-day plan?” I religiously print out my 90-day plan and I break it down into immediate three tasks, my seven-day tasks, the 30-day goals that I have to achieve, and then where I need to be in those 90 days. <br> I have that printed out in front of me. I take that with me. I review that before I accept appointments, before I have guest podcasts scheduled in, and before I plan my travel as well.<br> Be productive!<br> I use the car trips from the airport with my driver on the way to a meeting to do phone calls. If I’m extremely tired, then I put my phone down and I use that time for meditation. <br> What it’s all about is looking at your day differently and looking at how you can best use the time. The time is not going to expand or contract. We have the same numbers of hours in the day as everyone else. It’s just how we use it and I think that’s really important.  <br> c) Be <a href="" target="_blank">selective with your time</a> and your energy to Manage Busy<br> I’ve always said yes to a lot of things, but now in order to be the best version of myself for the people that I coach and for the companies that I work with, I have to manage that workload and make sure that I have the mental agility as well as the physical agility to keep everything going. <br> <br> Pause before you commit<br> Check your diary and check your winning week plan<br> Look at the next 30 days<br> Ask yourself  – is this VITAL? Can it Wait? Can i delegate<br>