TVC076 Mission Meaning Mojo Mark Truelson

The Mojo Maker Podcast with Nikki Fogden-Moore: For Leaders In Life | Healthy Wealthy and Wise show

Summary: TVC076 Mission Meaning Mojo with Mark Truelson<br> Meet global speaker corporate disrupter and all round great guy Mark Truelson. <br> Part of my Influencer and Founder Vitality series Mark’s courage to share his come back from depression to running a global consultancy is inspiring and real. <br> Sharing his journey from hero to zero then how he got his meaning back in life with the help of some vital friends, a sense of purpose for his family and himself. <br> We discuss the importance of speaking up, vulnerability, moving through moods when life throws you curve balls and how to actually accept the help you’ve been offered.<br> Six years ago, after having decades of a successful career, Mark decided to start his own consultancy to help other organisations sort of build their disruptive capability.<br> <br> Probably at that time everything for me was fantastic. It was it flying. Out of left field my marriage dissolved. My wife decided that it was no longer for her, and suddenly my dreams became different. I became a solo dad with three kids, and the thought of building disruptive capabilities for organisations probably went down quite a bit.<br> <br> <br> The Collateral Damage of Success<br> Mark’s priorities got a re-shift. What was his meaning and mission now?<br> Mark suddenly had to become the dad he thought he should have always been, and his big focus was on the kids.<br> <br> It was really difficult to keep focused on having a career, building a consultancy, and also being a fantastic dad.<br> <br> Many of the men and leaders who I work with in private coaching are on their second round of marriage and were hit hard as they climbed the corporate or business ladder and found their personal life was not growing or evolving at the same speed and alignment.<br> They’re often realising they were working hard and not paying the right amount of attention to home life as it was “all for family”.<br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Fulfilment isn’t just your financial bottom line</a>. It’s remembering that your family, your personal well-being has to be part of that business plan as well.<br> On Today’s show we highlight some vital elements for regaining your meaning and your mojo<br> <br> * Role Playing – The subconscious roles at home and at work<br> * Staying Connected – Revisiting your shared purpose<br> * Structures and New Game Plans<br> * Nurture Personal and Commercial Relationships<br> * Goals vs Actions<br> <br> 1. Role Playing – Are You Subconsciously  Taking On A ‘Role’ At home<br> What was fascinating, when I worked in corporate, all the structures were in place. So I was probably the workaholic. Loved going to work, loved getting people excited at work.<br> I was sort of the general manager at work. My wife happily had the title of general manager at home. And our roles were very clearly sort of defined. When I decided to get out in the consultancy and build my own consultancy, that’s where the roles became a bit blurred. And if I look back, without trying to get that clarity between what I was doing and what my wife was doing, I think that was probably the genesis of our destruction from a relationship point of view.<br> Often when people go into more senior leadership positions they lose sense of having to be responsible at work.<br> There’s a lot of emphasis on performance and most people are cited saying,  I want to do this because I want to provide for my family. At the end of the day, your personal world, being your family, seem to be last on the list.<br> <br> * Whether or not you’re a founder or work for an organisation – remember to keep your blend at home as well as work and communicate. Who’s in your dream team you can talk to about ...