RERUN: The Darling of the Jungle, pt 2: S05 E05

Tales From The Jungle Crews show

Summary: And... here's the second part of our interview with Skipper Danielle Ernest. (We are still working to be on track to have all of our reruns finished by the end of the year.) Originally Published September 8th, 2015 This week we finish up our conversation with Skipper Danielle Ernest, and her unconventional way she found her way into the Jungle... We had a lot of fun chatting, and her website ( is absolutely a fantastic blog.   We also chat a bunch at the start of our podcast about our Kickstarter campaign that is starting up in just a month. (give or take.) For more details, keep your eye peeled here, and over at   More exciting news and podcasts will keep coming in the following weeks. Now, Hit It, Skip!