CMB 037 : Meet Singer/Songwriter Caroline Cobb

The Christian Music Blog Podcast: Christian Music | Songwriting | Worship | Creative Productivity | Music Business show

Summary: Being an indie artist is serious stuff. Add to that the realities of a full time job and a family, and you have quite the adventure before you. There's never a dull moment in the life of a DIY music maker. So how does a full-time mom, a volunteer leader with Young Life, and a creative indie artist pull everything off? How does someone with such a full plate find time to write songs, administrate their website, book shows, and pull off the other details that an indie has to figure out? Just thinking about it makes my head spin, and makes me so thankful for the grace of God. Recently on the podcast we've talked a lot about identity, stewardship and dying to self-kingdom-building. When I hear the story of Caroline Cobb, I see a living example of these things. It was a privilege to sit down and talk with her. We talked about the following things Caroline's story of faith From a serious hobby to a serious indie artist rhythm Coffee with Jill Phillips Caroline's weekly routine Her songwriting process 66 songs in a year The Blood and The Breath How she crushed it on Kickstarter, nearly doubling her campaign goal The tensions that Christian artist face with self promotion The difference between "singer/songwriter" and "worship leader" Writing songs from scripture Links Caroline's new record The Blood and The Breath Caroline's official site Get three free songs from her new album at Noisetrade here. Caroline's devotional eBook Caroline on Twitter Scripture to music collective Kickstarter Sean Carter Jill Phillips Andrew Peterson