CMB 040 : Upgrade Your Tools (2013 Wrap Up Part 2)

The Christian Music Blog Podcast: Christian Music | Songwriting | Worship | Creative Productivity | Music Business show

Summary: As we wrap up 2013, I want to get highly practical and provide you with some ideas, tips, and tactics that you can take into your new year, to see immediate results. For the next four weeks, each episode will have something that you can take and apply right away. I’m learning that taking action and putting one foot in front of the other, is the only way to grow in anything. Even in our walk with Christ, we aren’t merely hearers of the word, but doers. It's in our doing that we learn and grow the most. Action is a huge part of anything in life. No one sits around on their hands to watch things magically happen. I want to give you a few ways to quickly be on the path towards a GREAT new year. These are 4 things every musician should do in 2014... CMB 039 : 20 Mile March (daily activity) CMB 040 : Upgrade Your Tools (become an engineer) CMB 041 : Connect With Your Listeners (master the internet) CMB 042 : Harness Inspiration (decode the mystery of creativity) Upgrade Your Tools Here's my story... When I first got my hands on Garageband in 2004, I fell in love with the creative process of recording. I was forever ruined. It wasn't engineering in itself that I came to love, but the artistic process of capturing sound and making it musical. Engineering, mixing, and audio production, were just as much a part of the art as the music itself! I also loved that I had more control over the end product. Often in recording projects prior to that, there would always be some issue in the production or final mix that I wished were different. I later came across Propellerhead Reason, which gave me more options for different sounds and samples and was more powerful and flexible than Garageband. After that I also came across a great Pro Tools course at Berklee Music Online, and I began to learn professional-level engineering methods. Your Story But what should you do? Your path will be different than mine, and it's important for you to be very aware of what your needs are. Your musical direction will dictate specific types of software, plugins, and other tools, but here are some basic tools you should definitely consider if you're just getting started.... Computer Choices Apple Get a used Mac Mac Mini Acer Laptop (Windows) Software and DAWs Garageband (comes with a Mac) Reason Pro Tools Logic Pro Cue Base Reaper Hardware Focusrite (interface) Yamaha MG102 (mixer) Zoom H4N (digital recorder) SM-57 (microphone) Rode NTK (microphone) Education Home Studio Handbook (by Discmakers) Berklee College of Music (Online) Coming Soon... What are you currently using? If you're currently a DIY engineer for your own music, why not leave your tips and ideas in the comments below? Let us know what you're using.