Interviews – Ep 12 – Thieves Den Gaming

The Carpe GM Gamecast show

Summary: Yet another interview from Archon 2013<br> <br> I stumbled upon Meric and Kayla and had no idea that I was about to step into a renaissance era game store,,,,complete with period games and accessories!<br> <br> You may also be able to find a few more contemporary pieces in the old shoppe (like, perhaps some Batman Dice!)<br> <br>  <br> <br> Follow the links below to see examples of their work.....<br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> Find Thieves Den Gaming :<br> On Facebook -<br> or their Etsy Shop -<br> <br> Meric and Kayla supported :<br> Magpie's Masquerie -<br> <br> <br>  <br>