Critiquing Comics #135: “Hyper Epics” and Mulele’s missing box

Deconstructing Comics show

Summary: <br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a> is a site showcasing a growing number of three-page comics, more or less of the “Amazing Stories” mold. In this episode we read many of them and talk about what we liked, and what we didn’t.<br> In <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">the most recent Deconstructing Comics</a>, Mulele told Koom about the box of his wares that didn’t make it to TCAF. In this episode, Mulele gives us an update on his box and a look back at the overall TCAF experience.<br> Plus, some listener mail!<br> <a href="">About “On Syntaphore” in Spanish</a><br>