Episode 229 - Christine + Children of the Corn

So I Married A Movie Geek show

Summary: It's October! Which means one of us is super duper happy and the other is definitively not - because we'll be talking scary movies ALL MONTH LONG! First up - it's Stephen King Week on the podcast as we continue our run through the King movie canon. The newest double feature on tap: Christine (1983) and Children of the Corn (1984)! Did either film have a chance with a sick Krissy? What do we think about the reboot potential of these 80s movies? Plus, an important couch update! Please check out our podcast on Facebook, follow us on Twitter @MovieGeekCast and find our pod and several other awesome ones like it on the PodFix Network! Subscribe and if you like us (like really like us), we'd appreciate it if you leave us a positive rating and review on Apple Podcasts! You can also email us any questions or comments to moviegeekcast (at) gmail (dot) com!