TechByter Worldwide 2018-10-28: The Newest Photoshop Magic from Adobe. Short Circuits. Spare Parts.

TechByter Worldwide (formerly Technology Corner) with Bill Blinn show

Summary: The 2019 version of Photoshop extends content-aware-fill's capabilities and makes several user interface modifications that may seem small but were met with enthusiastic applause at the Max conference in Los Angeles. In Short Circuits: Is your computer's hard disk full? If so, you might find hundreds of gigabytes of useless files, so we'll examine how to find them and then get rid of them. One of the least welcome sounds around a computer is that of squeaking bearings from a device that holds a bunch of disk drives. Last week, I said that I'd solved a problem with the computer's displays. Seems I was a bit premature and overly optimistic. Maybe you'll enjoy my frustration. In Spare Parts (only on the website): Outvote has released a nonpartaisan version of its app that's aimed at getting voters registered and out to vote. • We're right at the end of Cyber Security Awareness Month, but keeping security in mind should be a task for everyone all year. • Lots of changes are coming for connectivity and research suggests that within just a few years, we'll have more than 40 billion connected devices on the internet.