Setting Client Boundaries:4 Tips to Handle Demanding Clients

The Accountability Coach: Business Acceleration|Productivity show

Summary: The important thing to remember when handling demanding clients is to take sole responsibility for establishing and managing their expectations. Manage them effectively - and everyone will remain on the same page and walk away satisfied. Fail to manage them effectively - and you’ll end up with some level of conflict (however minor or severe). Clients will follow your lead; they will be however demanding or easy-going as your client boundaries dictates, and it’s best to establish those boundaries before the contract is signed. 1. Establish Rules from the Get-Go Establishing rules from the get-go is ideal and will help ensure a positive client relationship. Ideally, all projects should be secured with a firm contract (that protects and supports you and your client) before any money is exchanged or any work commences. This not only ensures everyone is on the same page from the very beginning of a new relationship, it helps reduce the chances of possible conflict at any time during the project. If you’ve been doing business without any client boundaries in place, it’s best if you do not take on any additional clients until you establish a basic contract or service agreement. If you’ve never used contracts, approach it from this angle: • What are you clear on delivering and not delivering? • What problems or issues have you run into in the past? • How could you design your contract or service agreement to avoid those problems and issues in the future? • What are the expectations they can expect from you and you from them? You may also want to consider what you would like to do and how you would like to direct the outcome of future projects before you design the program. For example, if you design a program that makes you miserable, it’s going to be near impossible to create a positive experience for your clients. On the other hand, if you could design the program - and direct the outcome should problems arise - how would you like to do that and how would it best be done? (Be clear on what you’re willing and not willing to do.) If you’re just starting out in business or you’re new to a specific industry, it can be difficult to establish rules when you’re not always sure what exactly will be required. That’s okay. In the beginning, you’ll have to feel your way through, client by client, until you gain complete clarity. The best advice would be: don’t do anything in the beginning that you are not willing to continue throughout your client relationship and/or for future clients - although sometimes that may be hard to know in the beginning. The internet has many resources that can be found to help you in many situations. Communication is very important to any successful relationship. Tell the truth, succinctly and directly, and in a way that is all about them. As an example, if you’re not willing to work late hours or weekends, set your availability strictly to normal business hours, Monday through Friday (or Tuesday through Thursday). If you prefer clients do not have access to your cell phone, set up a business line with a virtual receptionist or automated voice mail that you check 2 to 3 times per day. 2. What to Do When You Change the Rules Mid-Game If you need to change the rules mid-game, be flexible. Remember that expectations were set in motion from the onset and changing them could lead to conflict. If you must change the rules mid-game, get clear on: 1) What the client wants and expects 2) Specifics of the agreement that must be adjusted 3) Specifics of the agreement where you are flexible 4) Specific ways you will meet/exceed client expectations, even with contract adjustments. Clarify these terms as clearly as possible before you arrange a phone conversation with the client. If you are unclear about any terms, clarify them before discussing “changing the rules.” Remember, the biggest trigger to conflict is not properly managing and meeting client expectations. If you know what