Talking tax overhaul and Trumponomics with Stephen Moore

Marketplace All-in-One show

Summary: (U.S. Edition) The Department of Commerce reports that the cost of goods went up 2 percent over the last year, which is just how policymakers like it. Marketplace's Ben Bradford helps explains why 2 percent is an important number for the Federal Reserve. Also on Tuesday, the British government says it's going to tax big internet companies to raise more money. We talk to the BBC's Andrew Walker for more. Then, we take a closer look at the tax overhaul and "Trumponomics" with economist Stephen Moore, who has advised President Trump and co-wrote a book with Arthur Laffer, who is seen as the father of Reagan-style economics. <span>Today's show is sponsored by </span><span>Alliance for Lifetime Income (</span><a href=";gclsrc=aw.ds"><span></span></a><span>), <span>GAIN Capital Group (</span><a href=""><span></span></a><span>) and <span>U.S. Bank (</span><a href=";sa=D&amp;usd=2&amp;usg=AFQjCNENxZXGBszhwsxCZOkgUBaP6QiqLQ"><span></span></a><span>). </span></span></span><span>(10/30/2018)</span><span> </span>