China continues to struggle through trade war

Marketplace All-in-One show

Summary: (Global Edition) From the BBC World Service ... China continues to struggle from its trade war with the U.S. as its manufacturing industry continues to slide. India's central bank, the Reserve Bank of India, is afraid it may lose independence if the government imposes itself on the bank's policy-making. The bank cites economic disaster the last time the government intervened. And Halloween is being restricted in Mongolia in case it encroaches on the country's Buddhist values. We ask what this attitude tells us about Mongolia's approach to globalization at a crucial time in its economic development. Today's show is sponsored by American Express (<a href=";sa=D&amp;usd=2&amp;usg=AFQjCNENk5iQ-BL6wRGV7CEeg-YZ1iquLg" target="_blank"></a>), <span>Michigan Economic Development Corporation </span><a href=""><span>(</span></a><span>) and </span><span>PayPal (</span><a href=""><span></span></a><span>). </span>(10/31/18)