094: 1 Goal You Should Set As Your #1 Priority by Michael Clouse

MLM Nation show

Summary: To visit show notes page and resources, go to: www.MLMNation.net/094 <br> <br> Who is Michael Clouse?<br> <br> When a colleague gave Michael Clouse a cassette tape with a simple message, Michael liked the message and went to the follow-up presentation. He liked that message too and jumped right into network marketing.<br> <br> Michael was super coachable and within 6 months he was able to cover his family’s car payment. By his 13th month, Michael’s MLM commissions were paying for his family’s mortgage.<br> <br> Today, ​Michael is a world-renowned MLM expert. He has authored more than 50 published articles, along with many books, videos, and audio training programs on the subject of network marketing.<br> <br> With a background that includes 30 years experience in direct sales, MLM systems development, and team psychology, Michael is recognized as one of the top 10 network marketing trainers in the world today.<br> <br> He is a sought-after business consultant, personal coach, and a dynamic keynote speaker. His weekly newsletter, Nexera e-News, is currently read by tens of thousands of Network Marketing Professionals around the world.​