106: Why Your Only 2 to 3 Ideas Away From Your BIG Breakthrough by Duke Tubtim

MLM Nation show

Summary: To visit show notes page and resources, go to: www.MLMNation.net/106<br> <br> Who is Duke Tubtim?<br> <br> In just 2 years, Duke Tubtim went from delivering pizzas at the age of 19 to a multiple 7-figure income by the age of 21.<br> <br> Throughout his career, he became a top earner and million dollar earner of three different companies.<br> <br> Duke’s earned over $7 million in lifetime commission in MLM and what’s most impressive is that many of the top Gen Y leaders from California, including many who have been featured on MLM Nation, all came from his system.<br> <br> Duke is now a Level 4 Chairman and a member of his company’s Founders Club, renowned for his tenacity and commitment to his team’s success.<br> <br> Duke lives with his wife Sheila and their daughter Sophia in Orange County, California.<br> <br>