AoL009: Ideas to Improve all the Tomorrows of your Life with Jim Vaughan

The Angles of Lattitude Podcast: Learn from the Successes of the Creatively Self Employed show

Summary: <br> <br> Gary Vaynerchuk, Pat Flynn, Tim Ferriss, even Tony Robbins. These are names that we can picture when we think about being successful in climbing their respective career mountains. We all know these names because they share, on a regular basis, how they got to where they're at and what they're currently doing. One thing that they all have in common is that they're releasing new content all the time. That's what makes them popular, I'm sure.<br> <br> They all are people we'd consider to be extraordinary and able to give lots of information in how we can be great like them. However, the idea of being great and teaching others to be the same isn't new. Would you believe that Tony Robbins wasn't the first big self-help star out there? He had to learn from others... but who did he learn from? Who was popular in that time?<br> <br> These were questions I continually searched when I first learned about the self-help field. I know Tony mentions a few in his books, but I always wondered if there were others that were popular at the time. If you know Tony's story, you know that he started out <a href="">pretty normal like most of us</a>. So it wasn't like he had special access to any insider information.<br> <br> When I met Jim Vaughan in 2012, he helped shed some light on this mystery. With the site that he had at the time, I was able to go into this vast library and learn from some of these past rock stars of success. Some of those names included Earl Nightingale, Paul J. Meyer, Andrew Carnegie and others. These are people who he considers part of his Personal Board of Directors. These were people that I was sure that could have impacted Tony's education!<br> <br> And when I say education, don't believe that what I'm talking about has anything to do with what you find in formal education. You know, K-12 and college. So much of that knowledge is a complete waste of time when it comes to actually being successful in life. I mean, outside of those who graduated with a STEM related major, it's insane how many college graduates don't have a job in the field they went to school for. However, I'm sure you know this. (Hell, you might even be one of those people. I feel your pain. I went to school for a STEM related major... and used it for a whole two years before I realized that it didn't fit what I wanted to do.)<br> <br> So, if you feel that you've been lead astray in your career (and life in general) and want to really learn from proven old-school life advice, I'd check out what Jim has to say. He's been listening and implementing a lot of it for a good part of his life and is now dedicated to passing that knowledge along. It might just help you be the next Tony Robbins in your field.<br> <br>  <br> IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN:<br> <br> * Why Jim started listening to success masters and how they amplified his career.<br> * How Jim got hired to do DJ work at the White House (yes, that White House).<br> * How you can change your thought process to get to where you want in life.<br> * What kind of impact Jim wants to make with his businesses.<br> * How Jim came up with the idea for the IQ Morning Report and what it consists of.<br> * Why he believes it's so important to keep learning.<br> * Some of the great tips he's learned through the years including the easiest way to become a people magnet.<br> * Proof that you don't need a formal education to do well for yourself in life.<br> * …and MUCH more.<br> <br> <a href="">Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.</a><br> ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:<br> <br> * <a href="">IQ Morning Report</a><br>