AoL 015: The Legal Basis for a Moral Constitution with Jenna Ellis

The Angles of Lattitude Podcast: Learn from the Successes of the Creatively Self Employed show

Summary: <br> <br> Have you ever been so passionate about something that it compelled you take action in a way that you've never done before? Perhaps it was something that you thought was unfair. Or perhaps you had a sudden interest in a particular subject and you just thought it was time to take that certain action.<br> <br> This describes today's guest, Jenna Ellis. A new author who got her first book, The Legal Basis for A Moral Constitution (<a href="">Amazon</a>), into Barnes and Noble.<br> <br> You might remember back in June of 2015 that gay couples were given the ability to legally marry. At face value, that might not seem like a bad thing. But the way that it was legalized, many, including Jenna (who's a constitutional lawyer), believe was very questionable.<br> <br> Furthermore, in recent years, we've seen an uptick in judgements that many would deem morally questionable.<br> <br> Jenna's book "offers insight into the legal reasons our nation must be compelled to return to universally objective moral judgments from a higher source than the collective government. Morality is not the subjective, changing whim of the majority, or more specifically, the majority of nine Supreme Court Justices."<br> <br> In other words, she explores our Founding Documents and their true initial intent and discusses why we can't rely on simple interpretation of those laws.<br> <br> As creators, this is important information to know. We need to know what the real law is and if our backs are being covered by those who are in power. Because, as it currently stands, we could find ourselves, one day, in a situation where discussing a certain topic or doing a certain act might be more than just taboo - it might be labeled illegal simply based on 5 Justice's interpretation of a law. <br> <br> So, if you're curious as to what got Jenna started on her path of creativity and how you might be able to get a publisher to get your first book to the masses, then this is a great discussion. While we don't spend much time talking about the book itself, I think you'll be able to see just how passionate she is about her work. In this regard, I believe that we all can learn something from her.<br> IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN:<br> <br> * How Jenna knew she was always going to be a lawyer.<br> * What she got out of her years in journalism school that helped her write her book.<br> * When she knew it was time to write a book.<br> * How she made her book accessible to people who don't speak or read legalese.<br> * What she believes is the future of Conservatism and the use of Natural Law.<br> * How she was able to get her first book into Barnes and Noble.<br> * Why she's not afraid of traditional public speaking.<br> * Why she believes it's important to teach Millennials and future generations what really matters in life and why it's important to care.<br> * …and MUCH more.<br> <br> <a href="">Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.</a><br> ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:<br> <br> * <a href="">6 Key Methods of Dealing with Frustrating People</a><br> * <a href="">Purdue Entrepreneurship Department</a><br> * <a href="">Richmond University Law School</a><br> * <a href="">Virgina Commonwealth University's da Vinci Center</a> - <a href="">Ken Kahn</a><br> * Jenna's Site<br> * <a href="">Wall Builders</a><br> * <a href="">Wallace Wattles</a><br> * <a href="http://www.westbowpress."></a>