Holly Woods – Suicidal, addicted, but not ready to leave

Done Doing That - Hosted By Ben Stein | Habits | Addiction | High Performance show

Summary: Dr. Holly Woods is a transformational coach, consultant and mentor who’s been guiding people all over the globe into purposeful lives for 35 years.<br> Holly can help you see your blindspots that keep you from life, career or business success, the roadblocks that prevent you from reaching your goals and create a life and career aligned with what matters so you can have a thriving business or career, a life you love and make an impact on the planet.<br> She’s built and scaled multiple businesses and brings a rigorous academic background of product development, design and testing. As an executive and consultant she’s created or reorganized infrastructure for dozens of businesses, streamlining product development and delivery to scale and maximize meaning and profits.<br> Dr. Woods earned her PhD in Human &amp; Organizational Development, and holds Certifications as an Integral Master Coach™, Purpose Guide™, Professional Mediator and Facilitator, and a CoreIndividuation™ Energy Practitioner, and is a diagnostic practitioner of Stages of Consciousness, among many other transformational modalities. Holly is Founder of Holly Woods Coaching &amp; Consulting.<br>