Dr. Cari Schaefer – why you crave the extra cake and eat it, too

Done Doing That - Hosted By Ben Stein | Habits | Addiction | High Performance show

Summary: Cari Schaefer M.A. TCM, L.Ac. is a best selling author, healthcare expert &amp; provider, and lecturer on health and nutrition. As a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine with over 18 years experience Cari has helped thousands of people identify and remove the barriers blocking them from feeling their best.<br> At age 32, Cari had to overcome her own health crisis. Challenged to walk three blocks due to extreme fatigue, in constant pain, and depressed, she learned firsthand the limitations that poor health creates. Cari has combined all that she has learned through her training and her personal health journey and created Nutrition Stress Analysis, the system she uses to help others obtain a solid foundation of high quality health.<br> Cari shares what she has learned with others in her best selling book The Food Solution, public speaking, by teaching and mentoring other healthcare practitioners, and through one-on-one clinical care.<br>