Jason Interviews Chakra Expert & Renowned Author Shai Tubali

Jason Zuk, The Social Psychic Radio Show and Podcast show

Summary: Jason Interviews Chakra Expert  & Renowned Author Shai Tubali about his new book "Unlocking the 7 Secret Powers of the Heart."  The heart is the source of the strongest and most unbreakable power within us.  Singers, poets and enlightened people romanticize the power of love.  Our minds tend to see this as a romantic illusion that has little to do with reality, and yet we still have a powerful desire to become more connected to our heart energy.   Tubali's book seeks to unveil this hidden truth and help the reader to discover how he or she can awaken their dormant heart powers by making the switch from mind perception to heart-based perception by employing the 7 skills held within themselves.   Tubali highlights the importance of stregthening these skills with a few simple meditations and exercises that are easy to perform on a daily basis.