Building and Types The Latrine Part 2 with Reality Check on PBN

The Prepper Broadcasting Network show

Summary: Building and Types The Latrine Part 2! Host: Micheal Kline "Reality Check" on American Preppers Radio! Fridays 9:00pm/Est 8:00pm/Ct 6:00pm/Pt Live Listen and Chat go to: This week, we will talk about how to build a proper latrine and different latrine types including the pit latrine, Ventilated Improved Pit, Arborloo, Fossa Alterna, the trench, cesspool, and septic systems. Remember the easiest thing if you are bugging in, is to just save rainwater to flush your toilet. We will cover ventilation, insect control, and safety. Yes, latrine safety is important because you do not want to fall into it. We will also cover some ideas and methods for controlling odors with lime, baking soda, or compost. We will also cover some portable techniques like how to properly dig a cat hole against a tree so that you can lean back and not have to hover, portable composting and chemical toilets, bedside toilets, 5-gallon buckets with pool noodles, and some other ideas for going on the go... Read More HERE! Joins us in our Chat Room HERE!  Tags: American Preppers Radio, Prepper Broadcasting, Reality Check, Preparedness