Prepping up staying healthy with The Jones Special on PBN

The Prepper Broadcasting Network show

Summary: Prepping up staying healthy with The Jones Special! Host: Jordan "A Family Affair" American Preppers Radio aka Prepper Broadcasting!  Saturdays 9:00pm/Est 8:00pm/Ct 6:00pm/Pt P.B.N. Live Listen and Chat go HERE!  Tonight we have a very special show filling in for “A Family Affair” that you will not want to miss. Prepper Broadcasting Network (PBN) has a roving reporter that has been to Prepper Shows all over the US and you will hear interviews and show specials that you can not get any place else. If you want to stay healthy all this winter tune in and see what will help you fight off all the winter bugs. Then hear about a way to garden with out any dirt and no weeds, ever. You can create a garden anyplace even an apartment. Grow your own food anyplace all year round. What Prepper would not like a portable toilet that two people use for a month before it needs to be emptied... Read More! Visit in our chat room HERE! Tags: Prepping Up with the Jones, Prepper Broadcasting