Explaining Brexit’s potential no-deal nightmares

Marketplace All-in-One show

Summary: (Global Edition) From the BBC World Service … An EU summit Wednesday was supposed to focus on a final agreement on the U.K.’s divorce from the bloc. But there are still a number of sticking points hampering a final deal. We’ll explain what a no-deal Brexit could mean for traveling in and around the European Union, and what’s holding up the negotiation process.  Then, Canada on Wednesday became the first G20 country to legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use. We’ll take you to a school teaching students how to grow the plants fueling Toronto’s booming industry. Today's show is sponsored by Alliance for Lifetime Income (<a href="https://www.retireyourrisk.org/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwi8fdBRCVARIsAEkDvnK3eTRK7tomTv0bo0QvbIC9GxtaoKo7U-aNuPplfvBjWw-GFz7cYgQaAtr-EALw_wcB&amp;gclsrc=aw.ds"><span>retireyourrisk.org</span></a>), Gobble (<a href="https://www.gobble.com/" target="_blank">gobble.com</a>) and Michigan Economic Development Corporation <a href="https://planetm.michiganbusiness.org/"><span>(planetm.com</span></a>). (10/17/2018)