Ep. 34: The Fed+Fit College Student: Part 2

Fed+Fit Podcast show

Summary: The Fed+Fit Podcast | Nurturing a Healthy Mindset for a Healthy Lifestyle<br> We're back with our 34th episode of the Fed+Fit Podcast! Remember to check back every Monday for a new episode and be sure to subscribe on iTunes!<br> <br> Find us HERE on iTunes and be sure to "subscribe."<br> <br> <br> <br> Episode 34 Topics:<br> <br> Cassy’s News Real [3:32]<br> Hydration and water [10:12]<br> Alcohol [25:21]<br> Caffeine [31:06]<br> Berkey Water Filter<br> Swell Water Bottles<br> <br> We would LOVE some feedback, so feel free to leave a review in iTunes, comment below, or even give us a shout on social media!<br> <br> Ep. 34: The Fed+Fit College Student: Part 2<br> <br> This is the Fed and Fit podcast starting your week off with motivational thoughts on real food and fun fitness activities with Cassy Joy Garcia and co-host, Charissa Talbot. Remember our disclaimer; the information and opinions shared in this podcast are solely those of any given individual, and not a substitute for medical advice. Here are the ladies.<br> <br> Today we’re going to talk about the Fed and Fit college student hydration plan, tips to navigating the alcohol scene, and how to have a healthy relationship with caffeine.<br> <br> Cassy Joy: And we’re back! Today I’m joined once again by my lovely sister, Samantha Garcia. Hey Sam!<br> <br> Samantha Garcia: Hello!<br> <br> Cassy Joy: {laughs} I think today we might have a little bit better audio quality. Sam and I are working out some kinks, but we’re getting there.<br> <br> Samantha Garcia: Ye-haw!<br> <br> Cassy Joy: Ye-haw! So we’re excited about today’s episode. If you caught last weeks’ episode, which was number 33 of the Fed and Fit podcast, we launched a series called the Fed and Fit college student. And this is going to be a mini-series, 5-6 episodes that we’re doing that, while it’s directed at providing the information that will empower somebody that is either entering college or somebody that is going through any kind of a big transition in their life. Providing them with the information that they might need to make it as seamless and healthy as possible.<br> <br> So we’ve broke all of that out; we’ve got some fun facts and fun information for you guys, and I hope, even if you may not be going to college, or you don’t have someone near and dear to you that is in that part of their life, you are able to get something out of today’s episode. Sam and I, while we’ve been writing the content out, we’ve been going through memories and having some self discovery, so I think we’ve got a good show ahead.<br> <br> So today we’re going to talk about, leading into part 2 of this mini-series, we’re going to talk about all the liquids. {laughs}<br> <br> Samantha Garcia: {laughs}<br> <br> Cassy Joy: We’re going to talk about, while part 1 we decided was priority number 1 in terms of the pillars of health is sleep, and that’s something that we talk about a lot in the Fed and Fit project. But priority number 1 being sleep, and we talked all about the reasons why, how to get better sleep, and what it can really do for you in your college career, in your professional career, in your life in general and your health overall.<br> <br> Today we’re turning our attention to water. We’re going to talk about hydration and what that really means. And because they’re so closely associated, we’re going to expand the water conversation and talk about a couple of other liquids to include caffeine and alcohol. And this is an especially interesting topic when you’re talking to college students, because caffeine and alcohol tend to be the focus more so than regular water.<br> <br> So we’re going to address those, and we’re going to talk briefly about them and just realistically sort of just lay out the facts for you, what caffeine really does to your body,