#79: Position and Condition: Sealed by the Spirit

Saving Grace show

Summary: (Guest: Dr. Dave Anderson) What does it mean to be sealed by the Spirit? With our special guest Dr. Dave Anderson, we answer this question and more as we discuss the role of the Trinity in determining our eternal position.<br> To find out more or to purchase Dr. Anderson’s book on this topic entitled Position and Condition, visit <a href="https://www.gracetheology.org/bookstore/position-and-condition/">gracetheology.org/bookstore/position-and-condition</a>.<br> Questions:<br><br> We look forward to interacting with you and the opportunity to address your questions on the podcast. <a href="mailto:%20savinggrace@gsot.edu">Email your questions</a> to savinggrace[at]gsot.edu.<br> Stay Connected:<br><br> You can also reach out to us on <a href="https://twitter.com/savinggracecast">Twitter @savinggracecast</a> and like <a href="https://www.facebook.com/graceschooloftheology/">Grace School of Theology’s Facebook page</a>. These are great ways to stay up to date with news related to the podcast.<br>