11: Bree Johnson - Frank Body

lady-land show

Summary: Let's be frank, if you haven’t lathered yourself in some Frank Body or seen babes all over the internet posing in their bathroom covered in coffee scrub, then you need to go take a peek! With just a pocket full of a cash, some ground coffee and a killer brand, our next guest Bree Johnson along with her business partners Jess, Alex and Steve have managed to build a thriving multi-million dollar beauty biz off the back of just one scrub. And not only that the ladies behind Frank also run creative agency Willow and Blake which they started at just 22. Talk about serial entrepreneurs. We sat down with Bree and learnt that Frank was almost called Piccolo and got the inside scoop on how the team were able to generate an almost 100,000 person waiting list for their long-awaited shimmer scrub. For information regarding your data privacy, visit <a href="https://www.acast.com/privacy">acast.com/privacy</a>